FFf Eclectic Red Barn: pecans
Showing posts with label pecans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pecans. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Glazed Apple and Pecan Bread

Glazed Apple and Pecan Bread

When we went to the Apple Cider Mill In Vermont a few weeks back, you can check it out here. Seeing all of those apples and apple cider donuts, gave me the idea of an apple bread. I checked out some recipes and then added my own twist - pecans. You could use whatever nut you have on hand. 
Eclectic Red Barn Share NOW. #recipes #breakfastbread #apples #pecans #eclecticredbarn

Saturday, September 16, 2017

ALERT!! Do you cook/bake with pecans?

As you know hurricane Irma hit hard in Florida last week. However, the rain and strong winds were also felt in Georgia. We left our home in Florida and went to stay with my brother-in-law who runs a pecan farm in Georgia. 

The house sits on a lovely lake and it was so peaceful and then Irma came through. Although we did not have the high winds like Florida, they were enough to snap branches and topple pecan trees. 
Eclectic Red Barn: Toppled pecan trees

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Caramel Pecan Brownies

We all love brownies, right? Oh, what variations you can do with brownies: frosted, powdered sugar, nuts, cream cheese. What a versatile dessert?

Well, I have another variation to share with you - Caramel Pecan Brownies. These brownies go together quickly since you start with a box of brownie mix.

Use a brownie mix and Kraft Bits to make these gooey bars.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Elliott Pecans

I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Mine was fabulous. We actually had snow on Christmas Eve and some on Christmas Day. It was so nice to spend Christmas with my children and grand children. There is nothing like the joy on the faces of children when they see all those presents under the tree. Maybe they are a little spoiled :)

One of my presents came right before Christmas - these wonderful Elliott pecans. My brother-in-law manages a pecan farm in Georgia and this year they had a great crop of Elliott pecans. 
Eclectic Red Barn: Ellott pecans

Monday, April 1, 2013

Island Mango Bread

My Turn for us 
If you have followed my blog, you know that I have several mango trees in my yard. Last year was a bumper crop. I had more mangoes than I knew what to do with. I made everything with mangoes.  Finally, we decided after giving many away to freeze the rest. We cut them into chucks and froze them - all 40 quart bags of them. Yes, I had mangoes!

Well, I try to use them as much as possible from the freezer, but it seems like they are multiplying in there. Guess what - my trees are loaded again. So I have been trying new and familiar recipes. I found this one and made changes. I sent it to work with my husband for all of his employees. I have to do something here !! They loved it so I am sharing it with you.

Eclectic Red Barn: Island Mango Bread

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